In our very busy world it can be very challenging to find thinking time.
However, it can improve your productivity and chances of success by giving you the space to consider work and life etc and then maybe make some decisions.
So here are some of my thoughts on how thinking time can help:
In my view, time spent thinking should be an essential part of everyone’s diary. Even if it’s just a few hours a month.
You see, we’re all crazy-busy. And that crazy busy brings the pressure to be seen to be constantly working.
But what happens if you start drifting into working on the wrong things?
You see, taking some time to reflect on what you’re doing, and where you’re going, will give you the chance to identify where you may be going off course a bit.
You don’t need to go on a retreat, or even on holiday (although that’s my favourite time to reflect on this stuff) but it’s a good idea just to give yourself the time.
In his book, ‘How to be f**king awesome’, Dan Meredith goes one step further in taking a day out each month to go on a day-long train journey. It’s not a bad idea, the driving is done by someone else and you can just sit and think (or work, make notes, write stuff etc). It’s a change of scenery and if you work it out right you can visit somewhere new and make an exploration experience too.
As a matter of fact, you could just drive to a cafe and sit still for an hour over a coffee.
It’s also a good idea to make some notes on your thoughts too. You never know, you could end up creating a whole new business idea.
However you do it, just do it. Give yourself the chance.
Find yourself some thinking time, it’ll help, I promise.
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