Why You Need to Be Good at Marketing, No Matter What Your Business Is

If you’re not good at marketing then you’re letting your business down, and here’s why:

You see, every business needs customers, and the only way to get customers is through marketing and sales.

If you don’t get good at these, your business will struggle.

No matter how great your products or services are, without customers, your business is likely to be just a poorly paying hobby.

Customers bring in the money you need to keep your business running. And learning to be good at marketing should pay for itself and make a profit.

This video explains:

Common Marketing Problems

I know from work as a marketeer that many businesses have trouble with marketing.

They often try the latest trends or take advice from networking groups without really understanding marketing. This can lead to wasted time and money.

Or, worse still, they jump on the bandwagon of what’s

Understanding Marketing Basics

Even if you hire someone to handle your marketing, you still need to understand how it works.

When you understand how marketing works, you can outsource it with confidence and know what results to expect. You’ll know how to hold them to account and get a proper return on investment.

Efficient Marketing

With the right systems in place, you can manage your marketing in as little as 20 minutes a day (see the link below for a basic strategy).

The key is knowing your audience, having the right message, and using the right channels to reach them.


Educate yourself to become good at marketing. If you don’t know something, do some research. There are plenty of resources available, including our videos and other online content.

You don’t need to be a marketing expert, but you should know enough to promote your business effectively.

Remember: Marketing is crucial for any business. So, start learning and applying these strategies today.

Learn More About Marketing:

How To Out-Market Your Competition in 20 Minutes a Day (YouTube video)

What is the best marketing strategy or tactic? (article and video)

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