Marketing Stories

how often should you send out marketing emails - freelance marketing help

How frequently should you send out marketing emails to your list?

Okay, so how often should you send out marketing emails to your list? After all, email marketing is easy to do and very cost-effective. There’s a whole load of factors that go into this and I’m going to share with you some stuff that I’ve done. TRANSCRIPT Now there are three key factors with this: […]

How frequently should you send out marketing emails to your list? Read More »

email newsletters are a waste of space - auckland marketing for small businesses

Email newsletters are a waste of space – here’s how to do it better

Email newsletters are dead! OK, so it’s not quite that bad but nobody signs up to email newsletters unless you give a very good reason. Here’s a better way of getting and keeping signups. Here’s the thing: when did you last signup for an email newsletter? If you’re like most people, it’s likely to be

Email newsletters are a waste of space – here’s how to do it better Read More »

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