Many people today are looking for ideas on starting a business. With redundancy looming for many the allure of self-employment is growing.
But what if that’s you and you’re stuck for ideas on what business to enter?
Well the obvious answer would be to start in business doing what you’re doing in employment. This demands that you have some kind of saleable skill (such as accountancy or web design). If that’s you I strongly suggest you read E-myth Revisited by Michael Gerber
But what if you have no particular skill or knowledge to bring to the business world?
In that case you’re going to have to do some research into what you could possibly sell, (because it’s all about selling at the end of the day). Or, put another way, what people will possibly buy (there’s no point in selling something that nobody wants to buy).
So here’s a thought that might just help:
Last night, during a discussion at a networking event, a comment sparked my memory of an interview given by Anita Roddick, the founder of Body Shop. She was never one to shy away from being blunt and often controversial and she said (and I’m paraphrasing here):
“If you want a business idea then find something that really pisses you off. Find a solution to it and sell that solution to others. Because if it pisses you off, the chances are good that others will feel the same way”.
So there you go, if you’re thinking of starting a business and are stuck for ideas just bear in mind what Anita said.