The second part of this series on ‘How to assess a business opportunity’ is about: Interest
Now it’s nothing to do with the pitiful amount that your bank will give you for looking after money, it’s all to do with the level of interest you have in your business, it’s products and how it helps people.
So, quick question: How interested are you in the business opportunity you’re looking at?
The reason you need to ask this question is that as you develop your business it will start to become a little bit like a process, in that it will start become almost transactional, perhaps even a bit boring. What I mean by this is that the mechanics of business are actually quite dull: you promote, sell, get paid. And then repeat until you’ve achieved what you wanted.
As mentioned in the last article on Time (check it out here), it’ll take a while for your business to start showing some results.
The big effort is normally right up front and you’ll need some persistence to make progress. This means that you’re going to need to be involved in something that keeps your interest for the long-term.
And that’s where interest means so much, it’ll help you to keep going when things are tough (and at times they will be) or when things become somewhat mundane and repetitive.
The thing is; you never know how long it’s going to take to get to where you want to be in any new business venture. It’s very important to set some goals and have a plan for achieving those goals but, in many ways, the results you get can sometimes feel like they’re in the lap of the gods.
So, your level of interest, and your willingness to learn to maintain your interest are going to be the key elements in this aspect of how you assess your new potential business.
You really do need to be able to see yourself doing this in six months, one year, or even five years time and still having the same level of excitement or enthusiasm for the business and/or the products you’re offering.
If you have any thoughts on this element of ‘how to assess a business opportunity’ then please feel free to write them in the comments section below, I’d love to hear from you.